Lucia Bracho

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“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity];I have called you by name; you are Mine!

(Isaiah 43:1 AMP)


No book teaches you how to be a woman and nonetheless, how to be one in the fellowship of Christ. In today’s society, one’s inclinations, tendencies, and likes are subjected to the world’s view of you.

It is shocking how many young people are following TV, celebrities or in my opinion the worst of all - social media trends - instead of being themselves. And there is one predominant reason: FEAR.


Have you ever gone to the grocery store, to the fruit and veggies section, and seen all these bright and beautiful apples, oranges and avocados displayed? They all look good, especially at Whole Foods, a market known for delivering organic products. My point is, the fruit that you see displayed went through a process where they were handpicked, where the ugly ones were discarded and the pretty ones displayed. Because by default, we know we won’t buy something that doesn’t look good. Am I wrong?

The world does the same with its own system; they want to sell what looks pretty; will only accept what is pretty, and would be surrounded by who is pretty. Let’s be real here. In high school, there were the popular kids (mainly the good looking girls and boys who played sports), the nerds (the super smart and skilled kids in math and all things related to numbers and equations...definitely not my favorite), the weirdos (any kid who couldn’t be fit into any one category and with emo tendencies), and the losers (kids who were considered ugly, without talent, and unprivileged.)

I am not proud to say this, but I learned to follow this pattern. Because fear was the driving force, I learned to be quiet when someone was bullied or when girls were bashing other girls. I was afraid of being rejected. Spoiler alert - I was the new girl in town who moved every year due to her dad’s job. So you can infer that my confidence and my worth became distorted over the years, eventually becoming one more hay in the barn.


It is impressive how the enemy works, especially towards us women, to diminish us and destroy our image and identity. About two years ago, we had a guest pastor from Indiana at my local church who stated, “The enemy attacks during the infancy stage because he knows the potential of the seeds deposited in you.” This convicted me and opened my understanding of why I went through many things as a child. (You can learn more about my story through my podcasts and devotionals here)

 The point is that each one of us was given a seed when we were born. We all were assigned to a purpose by our heavenly Father. Take for instance the movie Boss Baby, where the babies have different characteristics and strengths, but all worked together. It’s the same in real life. We were each given unique assignments, equipped with specifics strengths, and anointed with the gifts of the Spirit with a sole purpose - to glorify God together.

Let us not forget that He knew you before you knew yourself. The more you genuinely desire Him, the more He will reveal himself to you and show you His marvelous plan! He loves you, and honestly, all He wants is YOU: the authentic you, the funny you, the clumsy you, the angry you, the sad you, the depressed you, the lonely you. There is nothing that He wants more than the whole YOU!

 If you can’t be real with Jesus, how would you expected Him to trust you with people and moreover, the nations?


When I was writing “En Tu Amor,” (“In Your Love”), God showed me that it is in the Father’s love where I become Lucia; not the Lucy that this world sees, but the one He crafted. As much as I was trying to fit into peoples’ criteria, He didn't design me to please them, He designed me to please Him. I was made to worship Him, not them!

Idolatry took satan to where he is now, and the enemy wants the same for us! So be cautious, and at all times make sure to check your heart and motives. Remember, God is not against you! Most likely, He is the only one who loves you for who you are and wants to give you the best.


Dear Father, I thank you for the amazing opportunity that is being your daughter. Thank you for the love you give me and for the life you planned for me. I pray that with each day, I become more the woman you envisioned when you thought of me. Strip me away from the old and restore me to my former glory to bring you glory (John 17:5.) In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.